2 volumes, 12mo (167 x 95 mm) engraved title, 4 nn.ll., 468 pp., 6 engraved plates for volume I; engraved title, 5 nn.ll., 516 pp., 6 engraved plates for volume II. Contemporary citron morocco, triple gilt filet on covers, central coat of arms of Duchesse du Maine (OHR 2604), spine with raised bands, compartments gilt with leur de lis tool, light brown lettering pieces, gilt borders, inner cover in citron morcoo within gilt border, marbled and gilt edges, in a modern light brown morocco clam-shell box.
1 in stock
Quentin-Bauchart, I, 433sq.; Tchemerzine-Scheler, V, 361 ; Cohen-de Ricci, 844 ; Guibert, 165-169.
Very fine collective edition consisting of the same pieces as that of 1697, but most likely the last one to be corrected by Racine during his lifetime before his death in 1699. Amagnificent copy bound for the Duchesse du Maine.
“Mais Esther y est divisé en cinq actes au lieu de trois. Il est probable que Racine avait commencé à la préparer avant sa mort. Les Plaideurs y offrent d’intéressantes variantes et cette pièce présent un texte en grande partie remanié. Il est de tradition que Boileau en aurait surveillé l’impression” (Tchemerzine).
Guibert also assumes that this is the last edition corrected by Racine himself : “Nous devons considérer cette édition de 1702 comme la plus conforme au vœu de Racine et il est vraisemblable que l’auteur l’avait révisée avant sa mort survenue en 1699”.
The copy is complete with the two engraved titles as well as the 12 engraved plates illustrating the plays called for by the bibliographers (volume I : Thebaïde ; Alexandre ; Andromaque ; Britannicus ; Bérénice ; Les Plaideurs. Volume II : Bajazet ; Mithridate ; Iphigénie ; Phèdre ; Esther ; Athalie).
Cohen describes this edition – despite its date of printing – as belonging more to the productions of the seventeenth century judging by its layout.
Highly important feminine bibliophile provenance
This copy bound for Anne-Louise-Bénédicte de Bourbon (1676-1573), daughter of the Duke of Bourbon and Anne of Bavaria, and granddaughter of the Grand Condé. It bears on each cover her central coart of arms. ‘She married Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, Duc du Maine, legitimate son of Louis XIV and the Marquise de Montespan, on 19 March 1692. Her ambition led her to take part in the Cellamare conspiracy in 1718, following a decision by Parliament to strip her husband of any right of succession to the throne. After being arrested and detained for fifteen months, she renounced all political ambitions and returned to Sceau, where she opened her salon to the ‘beaux esprits’’ (see OHR).
Magnificent copy of important feminine bibliophile provenance.
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