In-4 (315 x 225 mm) de 1, un portrait gravé, XI, 278 pp., 1, 3 planches gravées. Demi-vélin ivoire (reliure moderne).
1 en stock
Garrison-Morton, 5835; Waller, 8543; Becker coll., 327; Norman, 1899.
Édition originale.
Premier ouvrage important d’ophtalmologie publié en Italie, qui permit à Scarpa d’être qualifié de « father of Italian Ophthalmology ».
« In this work, Scarpa first described the operation of iridodialysis. The chapters on diseases of the vessels in the eye, on cataract, and on staphyloma are particularly noteworthy. Scarpa’s books were all superbly illustrated with his own drawings and the plates in this work, engraved by Faustino Anderloni, bear witness to Scarpa’s artistic talent. Duke-Elder considered this the greatest work on ophthalmic pathology that had appeared up to its time » (Becker coll.).
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