2 volumes in-8 (186 x 115 mm) de XLIV, 322 pp., 2 tableaux, 13 planches gravées sur cuivre dépliantes pour le volume I; VIII, 331 pp. pour volume II. Maroquin rouge, double filet doré en encadrement, dos lisse, tranches dorées (reliure dans le style de l’époque).
1 en stock
Duveen et Klickstein, 157 ; PMM, 238 (pour l’édition de Paris 1789).
Véritable seconde édition autorisée.
Les planches portent, comme l’édition originale de 1789, la signature de Madame Lavoisier.
« Although it does not show any material changes in the text nor any additions, all the errata are here corrected, and the plates are the original ones with Madame Lavoisier’s signature. It is difficult to explain now the reasons why this edition was put out in the same year, but it might be assumed that Lavoisier and Cuchet wanted to counteract the distribution of the books which had been fraudoulously issued by printing an authoritative edition » (Duveen & Klickstein).
Bon exemplaire.
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