2 volumes de texte in-8 (206 x 133 mm) de XVIII et 678 pp. pour le tome 1; 2 ff. n. ch., et 864 pp. pour le tome 2. Demi-chagrin rouge, dos à nerfs (reliure de l’époque) ; et atlas (233 x 161mm) de 27 planches. Broché.
1 en stock
Garrison-Morton, 4929; Heirs of Hippocrates, 1268; Cat. Norman, 724.
Édition originale du premier traité moderne de psychiatrie.
C’est Jean-Etienne Esquirol (1772-1840) qui créa le terme technique ‘monomanie’, qui fut ensuite remplacé par terme de ‘schizophrénie’.
« Esquirol sought to classify and describe the various kinds of insanity he encountered in his practice. Esquirol coined the term monomania, a concept which anticipated the modern view of schizophrenia, and he was the first to distinguish hallucination from illusion… Des maladies mentales the work for which he is best known, served as a basic text in psychiatry for over fifty years » (Heirs).
« Along with Pinel, Esquirol is regarded as the founder of the French school of psychiatry » (Cat. Norman, p.260).
Très bon exemplaire.
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