In-8 (202 x 123 mm) de 80 pp., 1 planche dépliante gravée. Demi-vélin vert, tranches mouchetées (reliure de l’époque).
1 en stock
DSB, III, 75-76.
Édition originale de l’explication classique de Carnot sur le génie du calcul infinitésimal ; ce livre très populaire a connu six éditions en français en plus de 100 ans et a été traduit en anglais, en italien, en russe, en portugais et en allemand.
« His Réflexions sur la métaphysique du calcul infinitésimal, first published in 1797 while he was still in political office as director, … frankly acknowledged the difficulties that infinitesimal analysis raises for common sense and although it was reserved to the reforms initiated by Cauchy, Bolzano and Gauss to put the calculus on a rigorous footing, Carnot’s justification evidently answered for well over a century to the needs of a public that wished to understand its own use of the calculus. The genious of the infinitesimal calculus, in Carnot’s account, lay in its capacity to compensate in its own procedures for errors that it deliberately admitted into the process of computation for the purpose of facilitating a solution… The art of infinitesimal calculus, therefore, consisted in transforming insoluble or difficult complete equations into manageable incomplete equations and then managing the calculation so as to eliminate all non designated quantities from the result. Their absence proved its correctness » (DSB).
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