In-folio (350 x 225 mm) de 6, 494 pp., 1 Veau mouchetée, dos à nerfs orné, tranches mouchetées (reliure de l’époque).
1 en stock
Houzeau et Lancaster, 9240; DSB V, 520-22; Sotheran I, 1652; Lalande, p.345; Wallis, 87; Gray, 88.
Édition originale.
Professeur d’astronomie à Oxford, Gregory « fut un des premiers à comprendre Newton » (Daumas).
« It was the first text-book composed on gravitational principles, and remodelling astronomy in conformity with physical theory… Newton thought highly of the book, and communicated, for insertion in it, his « lunar theory », long the guide of practical astronomers in determining the moon’s motion. The discussion in the preface, in which the doctrine of gravitation was brought into credit on the score of its antiquity, likewise emanated from Newton » (DSB., pp.536-37).
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