YOUNG Arthur Le Cultivateur anglois, ou Œuvres choisies d’agriculture, et d’économie rurale et politique.


Paris, Maradan, An IX – 1800

18 volumes 8vo (197 x 108 mm) richly illustrated with 73 numbered engraved plates (maps, plans, and views). Contemporary tree-claf, flat spines gilt, spine labels and volume numbering respectively in red and green morocco.


1 in stock

Kress B.4312.

First edition of the French translation, with notes by Delalauze, a contributor to the Cours d’agriculture by Rozier.

The edition is lavishly illustrated with 73 engraved plates (pulled on 72 leaves, plates 28/29 are printed on a single sheet) including two maps of France one being coloured in outline.

The collection comprises the following works by the British agronome : Voyage au sud (vol. I), Voyage au nord (II-III), Voyage à l’est (IV-VI), Voyage en Irlande (VII-VIII), Lettres d’un fermier avec le Voyage à Northampton (IX-X), Guide du fermier (XI), Expériences d’agriculture (XII-XIII), Annales d’agriculture (XIV-XV), Voyage en France (XVI-XVII), Arithmétique politique (vol. XVIII).

The travel accounts are generally written in letter-form, as are the Annales d’Agriculture, which form a collection of the results of the agricultural experiences of its correspondents in various countries. In his Voyage en France, published in English in 1792, Young wittily describes daily life in France on the eve of the Revolution.

Fine copy, preserved in a handsome and decoative binding albeit some light worming on the front hinge of volume XIII.