VALLEMONT Le Lorrain de Les Élémens de l’histoire, ou ce qu’il faut sçavoir. Nouvelle édition.


Paris, N.M. Tilliard, 1758

5 volumes 12mo (167 x 95 mm) XXIV, 289 pp., 1 nn.l. for volume I; 2 nn.l., 384 pp. for volume II; 2 nn.l., IV, 350 pp., 35 engraved and numbered plates for volume III; 4 nn.l., 370 pp. for volume IV; VIII (half-title removed by the binder), 480 pp. for V. Contemporary mottled calf, triple gilt filet on covers, spine gilt with raised bands, compartments with inlaid green morocco labels with gilt Cyrillic ciphers (‘CT’ and ‘AP’) on head and imperial Russian arms (double headed eagle and St George fighting the dragon) at foot, lettering and numbering pieces respectively in red and citron morocco, marbled edges (hinges and corners expertly restored).


1 in stock

Of Imperial Russian Provenance

The most complete edition of this great classic.

Pierre Le Lorrain, abbé de Vallemont (1649-1721), physicist, numismatist, and literary scholar, was attached as a professor to the college of Cardinal Lemoine. As a tutor and great lover of science, he collected his notes in this work, first published in 1696 in two volumes. A curious mind and great collector, he had an important cabinet of curiosities composed of machines, natural history objects and medals.

Prestigious Russian Imperial Provenance

Copy bound for the two sons of Tsar Paul Ist, Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovitch and his elder brother Aleksandr with their respcetive cipher at head of each volume. Aleksander (1777-1825) became Emperor of Russia in 1801, first king of Congress Poland from 1815, and Grand Duke of Finland from 1809 until his death. He married Louise of Baden, future Elizabeth Alexeievna, in 1793. Grand Duke Konstanine (1779-1831) married Juliane of Saxe-Coburg, future Anna Feodorovna, in 1796. The marriage was not to last, and the couple separated in 1799, long time before the official divorce was pronounced in 1820. Konstantin received his name from his paternal grandmother Catherine the Great who had a great admiration for the Roman Emperor Constantin.

Fine copy.

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