OZANAM Jacques Traité des lignes du premier genre.


Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1687

4to (250 x 182 mm) 151 pp., 14 engraved plates. Contemporary English vellum, flat spine.


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D.S.B. X, 263.

First edition.

Jacques Ozanam (1640-1718), self-taught scientist,  wrote numerous works on mathematics.”His contributions consisted of popular treatises and reference works on “useful and practical mathematics” and an extremely popular work on mathematical recreations ; the latter had by far the more lasting impact. Ozanam’s Récréations may be regarded as the forerunner of modern books on mathematical recreations” (D.S.B.)

BOund with two other first edition: 1). Traité des lieux géométriques expliquez par une méthode courte & facile. Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1687. 59 pp., 12 engraved paltes. 2). Traité de la construction des équations. Pour la solution des problèmes indéterminez. Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1687. 92 pp., 9 engraved plates.

Fine copy, from the Earls of Macclesfield Library, with the blind stamp on the first title page and the book plate of the South Library.

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