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LEMERY Nicolas Traité des aliments, où l’on trouve par ordre, et separément la différence & le choix qu’on doit faire de chacun d’eux en particulier; les bons & les mauvais effets qu’ils peuvent produire…


Paris, J.B. Cusson & Pierre VVitte, 1702

12mo (163 x 96 mm) 28 nn.ll., 541 pp. , 1nn.l. Contemporary mottled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red edges (spine damages at head, hinges partly split).


1 in stock

The exceedingly rare first edition

Wellcome III p. 486; see Vicaire and Bitting (note only).

First edition, dedicated to Monsieur Boudin, surgeon to the Dauphin.

Son of the pharmacists Nicolas Lémery, Louis Lémery (1677-1743) was himself member of the celebrated Académie des Sciences since 1700. In 1710 he was appointed physician at the Hôtel-Dieu in Paris, and became demonstrator of chemistry at the Jardin du Roi in 1731.

“Il fait souffler un esprit nouveau sur le savoir diététique de son temps. Ne se satisfaisant plus des anciennes descriptions des qualités des aliments simplement rapportées à la théorie des humeurs, c’est à une explication scientifique moderne qu’il prétend, selon des “principes chimiques et mécaniques. En même temps qu’il a renouvelé le contenu d’un savoir, Lémery en a profondément modifié la forme, où déjà se manifeste l’esprit encyclopédique des Lumières” (Livres en bouche).

His book is divided into three parts: vegetables, meat, and drinks. Each description is followed by historical date, etymology and its culinary use. The chapter on drinks gives with details on wine, drugs (opium, coca, betel nut, datura also known as jimsonweed or devil’s snare, tobacco, etc.) vinegar, cider, beer (with a long and interesting note), brandy, chocolate, coffee, etc. This first edition is very rare: Vicaire and Bitting only mention the book in their footnotes.

The stock of the first edition must have passed into the hands of VVitte; the title page bears two cancel slips covering the name of J.B. Cusson, and indicate VVitte and Jean Guignard as the promotors of this title. VVitte published in 1705 the second edition of this celebrated book.

Good copy.

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