BRISSEAU Michel Traité de la cataracte et du glaucoma.


Paris, d’Houry, 1709

12mo (149 x 87 mm) 8 nn.ll., 260 pp., 6 nn.ll., 4 plates. Contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands.


1 in stock

Garison-Morton, 5825; Waller, 1464; Wellcome II, 240; Becker col, 63.

First edition.

“Brisseau was the first to demonstrate the true nature and location of cataract” (Garrison-Morton).

“Often overlooked but of equal significance to the history of ophthalmology are Brisseau’s observations on glaucoma. In this work he clearly distinguishes between cataract and glaucoma, and for the first time glaucoma is described as a disease of vitreous humor and not of the lens… The book concludes with the author’s response to the objections raised by De la Hire, Mery, Littre and St. Yves” (Becker collection). 4 folding plates.

Nice copy.

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