TERENCE Les six Comédies… corrigées en presque infinis endroits par M. Ant. de Muret. Avec les Fleurs, Frases, & Expositions Morales mises à la fin de chasque Scene. Le François correspondant au Latin.


Paris, Iean de Bordeaux, 1583

12mo (118 x 72 mm) 8 fnn.ll., 367 num.ll. Contemporary vellum.


1 in stock

Adams T-377; Brunet V, 721.

Latin text and teh translation by J. Bourlier, revised and corected by the humanist Antoine Muret, (1526-1585). After being noticed by Scaliger, the young Muret taught Latin at a very early age in Bordeaux in 1547-1548, where he counted Michel de Montaigne among his students. Appreciated by King Henri II and the Queen, he befriended Dorat and counted Du Bellay and Baïf among his friends.

Provenace : several old ownership inscriptions – stamp of Sociedad Hebraica Argentina – Marcellus Schlimovich (bookplate).