ORLOWSKI Alexander Souvenirs de Saint-Pétersbourg, Collection de lithographies représentant des sujets nationaux, des équipages de ville, de voyage, voitures diverses etc. Dessinés d’après nature, par divers artistes.


Saint-Pétersbourg, Ingals & Hanitchak pour] Alexandre Pluchart, 1824

Folio oblong (374 x 277 mm), printed title (cut out and mounted on upper cover of the binding), printed index leaf, and 36 lithographed plates (all but one before lettering). Contemporary Russian (?) calf backed boards (some light restorations to corners and spine).


1 in stock

With illustrations by one of the first Russian Lithographers

Colas, 2779 and Lipperheide, Kaa-41 (both with a wrong collation indicating only 35 plates).

One of the first books printed in lithography in Russia.

Second enlarged edition of the very rare set of lithographed plates, the first edition, published the previous year, contained only 25 plates. All plates are without numbering (added for the third and final edition, published in 1825) and are before the lettering except the one depicting the stock exchange. All plates are with their full margins and with deckle edges preserved.

The paper stock used for this edition is imported Whatman paper (watermarked : Whatman Turkey Mill 1822), very popular in early Russian lithography for the publication of prints "Lithography was introduced into Russia a little later than in Western and Central Europe… Despite early interest in the subject it is generally thought that the first two lithographic workshops only appeared in St. Petersburg in 1816. The initial purpose of these workshops was of practical nature – the reproduction of official corespondance and the printing of maps and plans" (see Tanya Szrajber, in: Print Quarterly, December 1992 : Orlowski and the Beginning of Russian Lithography).

The 36 plates are by various artists and lithographers, including A. Orlovskii, Aleksandrov, Swebach and Herrmann. The plates depict mainly views, costumes, and modes of transport in Saint Petersburg and its surroundings. Orlowski's (1777-1832) work is known since the early 1816 – notably his plate Horsemen – and he can be considered the first Russian lithograph.

"In his time, Orlowski gained a reputation for his military subjects and satirical genre scenes. Pushkin even referred to him in his poem Ruslan and Liudmilla: 'Take your pencil, quick, Orlowski, draw the battle and the night'… He was renowned for his horses, particularly representations of ordinary working horses, although he also painted prancing thoroughbreds. Many of his works portrait the variety of inhabitants of the Russian empire" (Tanya Szrajber).

Orlowski also illustrated other important works such as the Fables by Kriloff, published in 1825 in three languages (the original Russian, together with the French and Italian translation).

The index leaf gives all titles to the plates: 1. Vue de l'Amirauté impérial et de son Boulevard, à St.-Pétersbourg 2. Vue de la Bourse, à Vassili-Ostroff [Hermann f. 1823] 3. L'Empereur Alexandre Ier à Ochta, trait historique 4. Un Traineau de ville, à 2 chevaux, d'après A. Orlowski 5. Un Droschki de Seigneur, à 2 chevaux, d'après A. Orlowski 6. Traineau chargé d'un glaçon de la Néva 7. Un marchand de bois à brûler, sur un Rospouski, d'après A. Orlowski 8. Un portefaix transportant des sacs de farine, en hiver, d'après A. Orlowski 9. Un Feldjäger portant des Dépêches officielles, en été 10. Intérieur d'un Cabaret pour le Cochers, costumes d'hiver 11. Traineaux de louage, Marchand de poissons, etc. 12. Cochers, Marchand de pains, de Blinis, etc. 13. Vue de la Collonade du Château impérial, à Tsarsco-Selo [C. Kollmann] 14. Des voyageurs déjeûnant à un Relais de poste, en été 15. Droschki d'Élégans, à un cheval [Aleksandrov 1823] 16. Vue pittoresque d'un village russe, en hiver 17. Fête de Danse villageoises, en été 18. Le marché aux cochons gelés, d'après A. Orlowski 19. Le Marché au foin, d'après A. Orlowski 20. Des Postillons revenant d'une course avec leurs chevaux 21. Voyageurs en Britschka, à 3 chevaux, en été 22. Courrier extraordinaire, à 3 chevaux, d'après A. Orlowski 23. Voyageurs en Kibitka, grand traîneau, à 3 chevaux, d'après A. Orlowski 24. Télègue d'été, à 3 chevaux, d'après Swebach 25. Droschki bourgeois, d'après Swebach 26. Un traîneau à un cheval [P.A.] 27. Petite Restauration ambulante [P.A.] 28. Voiturier rafraîchissant son cheval [Aleksandrov] 29. Voiturier en route transportant des Marchandises [Aleksandrov] 30. Chariot attelé de 6 chevaux pour transporter le Granit [P.A.] 31. Balançoire de jeunes villageoises [P.A.] 32. Landau, à 4 chevaux, par Désarnod 33. Voiture finoise cassée [P.A.] 34. Traîneau de famille, à 3 chevaux [P.A. 1824] 35. Traîneau bourgeois, à 2 chevaux [P.A.] 36. L'Isvoschtchik et le Bouteschnik[P.A.].

Rare, not in Abbey. In her list of works containing illustrations by Orlowski, Szrajber cites only the 1825 edition of the album (Szrajber, 8).

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