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SALNOVE Robert de La Vénerie Royale divisée en IV. parties, qui contiennent les Chasses du Cerf, du Lièvre, du Chevreüil, du Sanglier, du Loup, & du Renard. Avec le denombrement des forests & grands buissons de France, où se doivent placer les logemens, questes, & relais pour y chasser.


Paris, Antoine de Sommaville, 1665

4to (233 x 175 mm) 14 nn.ll. including engraved frontispiece, 437 pp. with 2 nn.ll. ff. bound between pages 168-169, 4 nn.ll., 38 pp. for the hunter’s dictionary. Contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands.


1 in stock

Thiébaud, 824; Schwerdt, 144.

Second edition.

“Cette seconde édition est (…) la réimpression exacte de l’édition de 1655 ; elle est toutefois mieux imprimée que la première, sur meilleur papier et d’un format un peu plus grand” (Thiébaud).

The work was meant to replace Jacques du Fouilloux’s Vénérie, which from that date onwards would not be reissued in France.

“This book is considered to be one of the French classics of the 17th century, and made a great reputation for Salnove. The author was a soldier, courtier and a distinguished sportsman. The first three chapters are devoted to Royal Chase of the stag, roebuck, wolf, bear and fox. Staghunting takes up half of the book. The fourth part contains a review of the royal forests with indications of the best places for the distribution of ‘relays of hounds’, and notes on other local conditions conducive to success” (Schwerdt, for the 1655 edition).

Fine copy, some expert restorations to the binding.

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