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REUCHLIN Johannes De arte cabalistica.


Hagenau, Thomas Anselm, mars 1517

Folio (306 x 212 mm), 4 nn.ll., LXIX num. ll., 1 nn.l. Nineteenth-century boards, flat spine, vellum lettering piece with calligraphic title.


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The Bible of Christian Kabala

Adams R-381; Proctor 11,685; Benzing, (Reuchlin) 99; Caillet, 9333; Vinci Verginelli, Bibliotheca hermetica, n° 275 (“Opera di capitale importanza per intendere la cultura di quel bellisimo tempo…”).

First edition of the Bible of Christian Kabala. 

The book was conceived by Johannes Reuchlin, student of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494).

“In De Arte Cabalistica Reuchlin incorporated Pythagorean ideas on number mysticism and metempsychosis; notions which Pythagoras shared with Cabbala and which made him a ‘Greek cabalist’. Reuchlin describes the Cabbala as an alchimia, internalising perceptions into images and thoughts and eventually into light. The process of becoming like God is symbolized by the position of Adam Kadmon in the middle of the seraphic tree” (F. van Lamoen, The Hermetic Gnosis, Catalogue of the Exhibition in the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, 37).

ProFine and broad margined copy, marginal restoration to leaf D1 not touching the text.

Provenance: Auguste Crütiger (purchase note dated 1521 on the title and some underlining in the text) – Laurentius Medicus (note on leaf A4v dated 1682).

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