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PTOLEMAEUS Claudius Geografia cioè Descrittione universale d la terra partita in due volumi, nel primo de’quali si contengono gli otto libri de la geografia di Cl. Tolomeo, nuovamente con singolare studio rincontrati, & correttida Gio. Antonio Magini Padovanao… Nuovamente corretto, et accresciuoto. Tradotte dal R.D. Leoardo Cernoti.


Padoue, Paolo & Francesco Galignani, 1621-1620

Folio (360 x 255 mm) 16 nn.ll., 21 num.ll., 1 nn.l. (blank), 62 num.ll. for part I; 18 nn.ll., 1 nn.l. (worldmap), num.ll. [19]-212, 30 nn.ll. (index). Contemporary vellum (rebacked retaining old endpapers).


1 in stock

Sabin, 66508 ; Alden-Landis, 621:102 ( “first published as here”; John Carter Brown, II, p.157 (“It is a reprint of the 1598 edition, but the work has been reset”) ; see Shirley, Mapping of the World, 202.

New Venetian edition printed on strong paper of the Italian translation by Cernoti, entirely reset after the first, printed in Venice in 1598 by the same workshop.

The illustration of this edition consists of 63 maps in the text (10 of which are printed on 5 sheets) as well as an full-page world map based on the Rumolt Mercator model (Shirley 202). These maps, engraved by Porro, already illustrated the Latin editions of Magini 1596, 1597, 1608 and 1617, as well as the Italian translation of 1597-1598.

Occasional small stains, small hole in the last leaf (index) affecting some letters.

A broad-margined copy, complete.

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