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POUJOULAT Jean-Joseph-François Correspondance d’Orient 1830-1831.


Paris, impr. de Ducessois pour Ducollet

7 volumes 8vo (207 x 126 mm) 2 nn.ll. IV, 468 pp. for volume I; 2 unn.ll., VIII, 416 pp., 1 large engraved folding map for volume II; 2 nn.ll., 503 pp. for volume III; 2 nn.ll., 440 pp. for volume IV; 2 un.ll., 543 pp. for volume V; 2 nn.ll., III, 478 pp. for volume VI; 2 nn.ll., 612 pp. for volume VII. Contemporary brown morocco backed marbled boards, spine gilt with raised bands, speckled edges.


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With the rare folding map

Atabey, 807; Blackmer, 1122.

First edition, of this important work, describing the contemporary state of the Levant and including accounts of Greece and Turkey (see Atabey).

Michaud, the historian of the Crusades, and his secretary Poujoulat travelled together through Greece, Constantinople and the Archipelago to Jerusalem, where they separated. Poujoulat explored Syria and Michaud went on to Egypt, but they wrote regularly to each other, and these letters constitute in great part the voluminous Correspondance d’Orient. Michaud had intended to publish a complete account of his voyages, but in the end he had to content himself with the publication of the letters which he and Poujoulat had exchanged. The first three volumes, dealing with Greece and Turkey, contain mostly Michaud’s letters; Poujoulat’s letters appear mostly in vols. 4-7.

Other contributors include Gillot de Kerhardene and Camille Callier. The last letter, written by Victor de la Boulaye, describes the young King Otho and his court and the state of Greece in 1834. The letters are methodical without being too artificial and pedantic, and full of detail. Both Michaud and Poujoulat were interested in the contemporary state of the countries they visited rather than archaeology and antiquities (see Blackmer).

Very good copy, albeit some occasional foxing, complete with the important large folding map with details on Antioch and Assos.

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