PICCOLOMINI Alexandri La Philosophie et institution morale. Mise en françois par Pierre de Larivey, champenois.


Paris, Abel l’Angelier, 1585

Stout 8vo (172 x 106 mm) 8 nn.ll., 902 pp., 1 nn.l. (privilege). Contemporary flexible vellum, covers within double gilt filet, central medallion with the interlaced letter ‘H’ and a pîerced heart decorated with the letter ‘S fermé, flat spine with gilt ruled compartments, gilt edges.


1 in stock

Bound in flexible vellum decorated with the special tool ‘S fermé’ Stanislas Guaita’s copy

Brunet, IV, 631; Guaita, 1977 (this copy).

The first octavo edition of the first translation of Piccolomini’s Institution morale. It was first published in 1571 in in-4 format by the same publisher. Written in twelve books, the author deals with the nobility of man, the origin of cities, the education of children, domestic economy, the order of sciences, temperaments, marriage, the duties of husband and wife, friendship, etc.

“Le devoir des enfants consiste entièrement à obéir en toute chose, & de révérer ceux qui les ont engendrés, considérant que le père est quasi un second dieu envers eux” (p. 837).

Fine copy, entirely ruled in red, from the Stanislas de Guaita collection with his note on the fly-leaf (item 1977 of is catalogue).