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PALOMINO DE CASTRO Y VELASCO Antonio El Museo Pictorico y Escala Optica. Tomo I: Theorica de la pintura. Tome II: Practica de la Pintura. Tomo III: El Parnaso Español.


Madrid, Lucas Antonio de Bedmar

3 in 2 volumes, small folio (293 x 199 mm) 1 engraved frontispiece dated 1715, 17 unn.ll., 306pp., 23 unn.ll., 4 engraved folding plates for volume I; 1 engraved frontispiece dated 1723, 14 unn.ll., 230pp. for volume II; pp. 231-498, 9 unn.ll., 13 engraved plates for volume III. Contemporary Spanish flexible vellum, flat spine with manuscript title.


1 in stock

Palau, 21027.

First edition of this very important work on the history and practice of art, including the famous 226 biographies of Spanish and foreign painters having worked in Spain.

Also called the Spanish Vasari Palomino is the first to have written the biography of Diego Velazquez.

The life of the famous painter is described under number 106 and occupies 34 pages becoming the longest and most detailed descriptions of all. Complete copy, as decribed by Palau, with the plates (2 frontispieces and 17 plates) engraved by the author himself.

Volumes I-II with titles and first leaves washed (titles with lower margins restored), some leaves briwned, small waterstain towards the end of volume III; enpapers renewed.

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