MULLER J. Voyages et découvertes faites par les russes le long des côtes de la Mer Glaciale & sur l’Océan oriental, tant vers le Japon que vers l’Amérique. Traduit par C.G.F. Dumas.


Amsterdam, Marc-Michel Rey, 1766

2 volumes 12mo (170 x 98 mm) X pp., 1 unn.l. (avis), 388 pp. for volume I ; IV, 207 pp., 12 unn.l. (table and bookseller's catalogue), 1 large engraved folding map for volume II. Contemporary mottled calf, flat spine gilt, red edges (light wear to head of spine of vol. II, front hinge slighlty split).


1 in stock

The description of the Bering Strait

Sabin, 51286 ; Leclerc, 661 ; Hill, 1201.

First edition of the first Frecnh translatin of this fundalmental work on the history of exploration in oriental Russia and for the occidental American coast.

"This important book is indispensable for the history of discovery and explorations in the northern Pacific… It represents the most extensive account of Bering’s polar expedition and of the discovery of Bering Strait and the western limits of North America “(Hill).

"Since the rapid development of British Columbia and Alaska this important book is becoming indispensable for the history of discovery and exploration in the Northern Pacific" (Sabin).

The first volume contains the accounts of travels to Kamtchatka and Siberia including the discovery of BVerig Strait. The second volume is entirely devoted to the history and exploration of river Amour. The fine map, engraved by Schenck and dated 1765, and bears the caption "Nouvelle carte des découvertes faites par des vaisseaux russiens aux côtes inconnues de l'Amérique septentrionale avec les pays adjacents".

Good copy, complete with the important map.

Provenance : Pierre de Torcy (with his book plate and signature).