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MOREL Bénédicte Auguste Traité des maladies mentales.


Paris, Victor Masson, 1860

Large 8vo (290 x 145 mm) 2 nn.l., XVI, 866 pp. Contemporary red half-shagreen, spine gilt with raised bands, marbled edge.


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Norman, 1546 ; Heirs of Hippocrates, 1722.

First edition. It is based on his Traité théorique et pratique des maladies mentales (1852-1853), and his studies on degeneration (1857).

Morel presents his new classification of mental illnesses based on aetiology.

“Morel wrote this work after having fully developed his theory of degeneration. The book is based on his concepts of degeneration and emphasis is placed on mental diseases caused by heredity, brain disease, and toxic substances such as drugs and toxins generated by pathological conditions of the body” (Heirs).

A very good copy.

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