MONDELLA Luigi Epistolae medicinales, variarum quaestionum, & locorum insuper Galeni difficilium expositionem continentes… Eiusdem annotationes in Antonii Musae Brasavole simplicium medicamentorum Examen.


Bâle, apud Mich. Isingrinium, 1543

4to (200 x 149 mm) 8 nn.ll., 263 pp. Contemporary panelled calf, gilt corner pieces, central decorations with a special tool depicting two dolphins, spine with raised bands.


1 in stock

NLM, 3224; Wellcome, online cat., b10007465; not in Waller.

First edition od this collection of 23 letters by Mondello, written to eminents medical doctors and botanists of his time. Recipients include Leonhard Fuchs, Girolamo Fracastoro, Mario Nizolio, Vincenzo Mitelli ; the last part (coverting 85 pages) congtains his commentary on Antonio Musa Brasavola’s pharmacopoea.

After his medical studies in Brescia, Luigi Mondella became director of the botanical gardens in Padua. Together with his fellow doctors Brasavola of Ferrara and Girolamo Fracastoro of Verona, Mondella is part of the group of young medical doctors who questioned the teaching of Galen’s theories. In the present work Mondella is discussing the outbreak of a typhus epidemic in Italy, and mentions on various occasions the medicinal use of wine.

Good copy, binding expertly restored, small wormhole in the margin of the first quire.