MOLIERE Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dit Les Å’uvres de Monsieur de Moliere.


Paris, Denys Thierry et Claude Barbin, 1674-1675

7 volumes, 12mo (154 x 87 mm) 19th century red morocco by Trautz-Bauzonnet, triple gilt filet on covers, spines gilt with raised bands, gilt turn ins, marbled and gilt edges.


1 in stock

First publishing of the ‘Malade Imaginaire’

Tchemerzine, IV, p.824; Rochebilière, 365; Lacroix, p.77; Guibert, pp. 579-592.

are edition of the collected works by Molière who had not authorised the 1666 edition (2 volumes).

This 1674-1675 edition is considered the true first edition of the collected works. "Cette édition rarissime est restée longtemps inconnue; les éditeurs modernes de Molière, Auger, Aimé Martin, Taschereau, etc., ne l'ont pas eue sous les yeux ou du moins l'ont négligée, parce qu'ils ne savaient pas y trouver le véritable texte revu et corrigé par Molière, peu de temps avant sa mort. Le privilège imprimé à la fin de presque tous les volumes de l'édition de 1674 ne laisse pas de doute sur l'importance capitale de cette édition que Molière destinait à servir de type à toutes les autres" (Lacroix).

Although corrected and reviewed by Molière himself, the edition was published posthumously, and does not include Dom Juan, suppressed by Molière himself. Volume VII, published in 1675, contains the first printing of Le Malade Imaginaire, together with L'Ombre de Molière, written by Guillaume de Brécourt, one of the actors of the theatre group. The rarity of this edition is explained by the fact that part of the edition was consumed during the fire of the warehouse of the printer Trabouillet, one of the share holders of the printing privilege for this edition.

Fine and broad margined copy of this rare edition.

Provenance : Maximilien-Louis, marquis de Clinchamp (1860, n° 388, book plate) – Solar (II, 1861, n°3484) – Robert Hoe (I, 1911, n° 2339) – Lucius Wilmerding (II, 1951, n° 449, book plate).

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