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MOLIERE Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dit Ballet des muses. Dansé par sa majesté à son chasteau de S. Germain en Laye le 2. décembre 1666.


Paris, Robert Ballard, 1666

4to (223 x 165 mm) [80]pp. (paginated 1-47, 29-60). Modern boards.


1 in stock

Guibert, 501:5; Tchemerzine-Scheler, IV, 810; Lacroix, 197; Brunet, III, 1805; Malkin, Dancing by the Book, 107.17.

Definitive edition, the fifth in the chronology given by Guibert.

"Elle est rarissime. On y trouve l'adjonction de la quatorzième Entrée de la Comédie du Sicilien occupant les pages 37 à 47, soit 11 pages avec un verso blanc. La mention 'Fin du Ballet' ne figure pas cette édition ["It is extremely rare. It contains the addition of the fourteenth Entrée de la Comédie du Sicilien occupying pages 37 to 47, that is to say 11 pages with a blank verso. The words 'Fin du Ballet' do not appear in this edition]" (Guibert).

"Ce ballet est précieux, parce qu'il nous a conservé quelques fragments d'une pièce de Molière, qui n'existe plus. Cette pièce en XV scènes, intitulée : Mélicerte, Pastorale comique, faisait partie de la 3e entrée du ballet. Molière y jouait le rôle de Lycas, un des bergers. La jugeant sans doute indigne, il la mit au feu… La troisième édition [!] du Ballet des Muses, la plus complète (80 pages), tandis que la première n'en a que 29, est rarissime." ["This ballet is precious because it has preserved for us some fragments of a play by Molière, which no longer exists. This play in XV scenes, entitled: Mélicerte, Pastorale comique, was part of the 3rd entry of the ballet. Molière played the role of Lycas, one of the shepherds. No doubt deeming it unworthy, he burned it… The third edition [!] of the Ballet des Muses, the most complete (80 pages), while the first has only 29, is extremely rare"] (Lacroix).

"It contains the outline and the two scenes sung by the musicians and the Turkish slaves" (Tchemerzine).

"The ballet was given with music by Lully. Most probably the second part, "Vers sur la perosnne & le personnage…", which begins on xH1, was printed first, miscalculating the extent of the first part and necessitating the repeated  signatures and pagination" (Malkin).

Of this rare edition USTC locates only one institutional copy(BnF), no copy is indicated neither in the United Kingdom nor in the United States.

A good copy of this very rare edition.

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