MICOUD D’UMONS Charles-Emmanuel Sur les Finances, le commerce, la marine et les colonies.


Paris, Agasse, 1802

2 tomes in 1 volume, 8vo (196 x 122 mm) 2 nn.l., 223 pp. for volume I; 2 nn.l., 267 pp. for volume II. Contemporary half-sheep, flat spine gilt.

Sabin, 48821; Goldsmiths 18403 ; Kress, B.4567; INED, 3164.

First edition.

Charles-Emmanuel Micoud d’Umons (1753-1817) was a naval officer. He studied the relationship between a country’s wealth, its tax system and the influence of its colonies (slave trade, colonial pact, etc.) on its trade. He is credited with the creation of a provident fund to help miners, set up following the disaster at the Beaujonc mine in 1812 in which 57 men perished.

Bookplate Bibliothèque de Quevilly.

A fine copy.