MESMERISME Rapport des commissaires de la Société royale de Médecine, nommées par le roi, pour faire l’examen du magnétisme animal, imprimé par ordre du roi.


Paris, chez Moutard sur la copie imprimée au Louvre, 1784

8vo (186 x 122 mm) 1 nn.l., 47 pp. Modern boards (atelier Laurenchet).


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Norman, M-131.

First octavo edition.

“The report of the second commission appointed by the French government to investigate animal magnetism. This commission, made up of five members of the Société Royale de Médecine, also condemned mesmerism, but its report was less influential than that of the first commission… One of the members of the second commission, Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, disagreed with the commission’s findings, and published his own report on the investigation” (Norman).

The report was written by Poissonnier, Caille, Mauduyt and Andry.

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