MERODE Richard de Giustificatione… intorno alla querella sua, co’l Signor Don Roderigo de Benavides. Dove insieme li Cartelli corsi fra loro, processi passati nel Campo, Manifesto, & Pareri di diversi Illustrissimi Principi… se contegono.


Mantoa, 1557

4to (197 x 140 mm) 82 nn.ll., 4 nn.ll., 1 folding woodcut plate. Eighteenth-century vellum.


1 in stock

Cockle, 884.

Exceedingly scarce first edition of an account of the circumstances surrounding a celebrated duel that never took place, with each party nevertheless claiming victory; the original edition in Italian appeared in 1557. 

After demanding satisfaction from Benavides for having insulted him in front of a woman, Mérode then refused to fight him, objecting to the cuirasse that Benavides intended to wear. The book includes a response from Benavides, the opinions of various contemporary authorities, and much procedural detail about duelling.

[Bound with:] 

ACHAIANI, Offredutio. Vita di Monsignor Battista Valentini detto il Cantalico vescuovo di Civita di Penna, & d’Atri. Viterbo, Discepoli, 1618. 4to, 31 pp. 

One armorial woodcut in the text. 

Fine copy.