MAUROLICO Francesco Opuscula mathematica.- Arithmeticorum libri duo.


Venise, Franciscum Franciscium Senensem, 1575

2 parts in 1 volume, 4to (210 x 158 mm) 10 nn.ll., 285 pp., 1 nn.l. for part I; 4 nn.ll., 175 pp., 10 nn.ll. including last blank for part II. Contemporary flexible vellum, manuscript title on spine.

The most important gathering of Maurolico’s mathematical writings

Riccardi, M-141; Adams, M-919; Houzeau-Lancaster, 2415; Wheeler Gift, 60; Poggendorff, II, 87; DSB, IX, 190-194.

First edition of Maurolico’s mathematical works.

It contains eight of Maurolico’s (1494-1575) most important writings : “De Sphaera“, “Computus Ecclesiasticus“, “De Instrumentis Astrononomicis“, “De Lineis Horariis“, “Euclidis Elementorum Propositiones“, “Musicae Traditiones“, “De Lineis horariis libri tres“, and “Arithmeticorum libri duo“.

“Maurolico learned Greek, as well as astronomy, from his father… The greatest number of Maurolico’s mathematical writings are gathered in the Opuscula mathematica; indeed the second volume of that work “Arithmeticorum libri duo” is wholly devoted to that subject and contains… some notable research on the theory of numbers… Among the topics related to mathematics in the Opuscula are chronology and gnomonics. The work also contains writing on Euclid’s Elements. Of particular interest, too, is a passage on a correlation between regular polyhedrons, which was commented upon by J.H.T. Müller, and later by Moritz Cantor… Maurolico’s work in astronomy includes the first treatise collected in the Opuscula, “De Sphaera liber unus“, in which he criticized Copernicus. In another item of the collection, “De Instrumentis astronomicis” Maurolico descibed the principal astronomical instruments and discussed their theory, use, and history… In practical astronomy, Maurolico observed the nova that appeared in the constellation Cassiopeia in 1572″ (DSB).

The numerous text illustrations accompany the mathematical theories.

Fine copy, well preserved in its first binding.

Provenance: Old ownership inscription (Jesuit Library, Padua) covered but still legible on title and small marginal note on leaf B5 commenting on Copernicus.

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