MATTIOLI Pietro Andrea Opera quae extant omnia : Hoc est, Commentarii in VI. libros Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de Medica materia… Nunc à Casparo Bauhino… post diversarum editionum collationem infinitis locis aucti… Adjectis plantarum iconibus… De ratione Distillandi aquas ex omnibus plantis… item Apologia… Epistolarum medicinalium libri quinque. Dialogus de morbo gallico.


Francfort, Bassaeus, 1598

Stout folio (366 x 222 mm) engraved title, engraved portrait, 58 un.ll., 1027 pp., 11 un.ll., 236 pp., 4 un.ll. (last blank). Contemporary stiff vellum, discreetly decorated in blind (some wear to inner cover).


1 in stock

Nissen, BBI, 1309; Pritzel, 5984; Durling, 3007; cat. Prélinnéens, 98.

First edition of the works of Mattioli.

This edition is richly illustrated with a finely engraved frontispiece and the portrait by Bauhin, and a large number of woodcuts in the text (measuring approx. 120 x 70 mm).

It contains commentaries on Dioscorides, a chapter on distillation, Matioli’s apology, his important correspondance with scientists and physiciona of his time, the text of Dialogus de morbo Gallico, and several indexes.

This copy alos includes an additional leaf with the dedication to Frederick Duke of Württemberg.

Nice copy, some occasional foxing.

From the library of Dr. Maurice Villaret (book plate).