MANUSCRIT CALLIGRAPHIÉ Vespres des dimanches et festes de l’année.


Sans lieu, 1740

12mo (121 x 82 mm) Calligraphic manuscript on vellum, 3 nn.ll., 213 pp., 1 unn.l. Late 17th or early 18th century red morocco, fleur-de-lis corner pieces, gilt edges, pink silk paste-downs.


1 in stock

A Follower of the Famous Calligrapher Rousselet

Very elegant manuscript, composed in the style of the famous calligrapher Jean-Pierre Rousselet (fl. 1677-1736). The title of this charming prayer book is placed within a very elegant floral and gilt border.

The manuscript is divided into the following chapters with each opening page finely calligraphed in red, blue, and liquid gold.: Pseaumes [p.9]; Vespres des Dimanches [p.49]; Le Propre du temps [p.81]; Le Propre des Saints [p. 143]; Le Commun des Saints [p. 179].

The text, written in brown ink with inititials in blue and red and the occasional initial in liquid gold, headings in red ink. All laeves within double ink border. The title is preceded by 2 leaves of which the first contains a citation from St François de Sales, followed by a full page coat of arms with the motto “E Forti Dulcedo”.

A very elegant manuscript, blinding slightly rubbed. Ex-dono on front fly-leaf : “Accarian : Reçu de Madame de Sérionne le 4 septembre 1821, pendant mon séjour à Paris”, and with the book-plate Chandon de Briailles.