LIGER Louis Oeconomie générale de la campagne, ou Nouvelle Maison Rustique.


Paris, Charles de Sercy, 1700

2 volumes 4to (241 x 182 mm) of 12 nn.l, 500 pp. and 9 nn.l. for volume I; 2 nn.l., 470 pp. and 7 nn.ll. for volume II. Contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands.


1 in stock

Thiébaud, 596; Schwerdt, I, 316; Souhart, 302-303.

First edition of “la Maison Rustique de Liger ; qui vint remplacer celle de Ch. Estienne et Liébault dans la faveur du public” (Thiébault). It is dedicated to Mansard. 

This beautiful book deals with gardening and the pleasures of the countryside, and cooking in particular. So that “I can say that in this work is contained all that one can learn of the Housekeeping of the Fields”. 

Volume II, chapter IV contains notably articles on hunting.

Illustrated with a few woodcuts in the text. 

A fine copy. 

A contemporary note states: “le Sr. Liger d’Auxerre, né au mois de janvier 1638 de Francis Liger et de Jeanne Fromont, mourut à Guerchy le 6 novembre 1717”.