MONTESQUIEU Charles de Secondat Lettres persanes


Amsterdam, Pierre Brunel, 1721

2 volumes, 12mo (162 x 87 mm) of 1 l. of title, 311 pp. for the volume I ; 1 l. of title,338 pp.(paging errors) for the volume II. Marbled sheep, blind filet framing covers, central coat of arms of Claude-Antoine Choiseul-Beaupré (OHR, 813), flat spine gilt, with red morocco title and volume label, red edges (contemporary binding).


Tchemerzine-Scheler, IV, 922 ; Dangeau, p.2 ; Rochebilière, 773 (exemplaire incomplet).

According to the bibliographers' classification, the fourth of the editions published in the year of the first edition, the second from Brunel's presses (vignette of a sphere on the title of the first volume, and vignette of a faceted crystal on the second).

"Édition complètement différente des trois précédentes, quoiqu'elle appartient encore aux éditions de Rouen" (Rochebillière).

A fine copy bearing the arms of Claude-Antoine de Choiseul-Beaupré (small iron mentioned in the OHR notice).