LEFEVRE D’ÉTAPLES Jacques In hoc libro contenta: Epitome compendiosaque introductio in libros arithmeticos divi Severini Boetii: adiecto familiari comentario dilucidata. praix numerandi certis quibusdam regulis constricta [per J. Clichtoveum]. Introductio in geometriam… Liber de quadratura circuli; Liber de cubitatione sphere [Caro Bovilo auctore]; Perspectiva introductio. In super astronomicon [J. Fabro Stapulensis auctore].


Paris, Wolfgang Hopilius & Henri Estienne, 1503

Small folio in quires of 8 (272 x 200 mm) 112 num.ll. (folioation erroneous). Modern vellum.


1 in stock

The first book on geometry published by a French scientist

Renouard, Estienne, 1:2; Schreiber, 1; not in Adams.

First edition. 

This issue without the woodcuts as described by Schreiber. The very rare third book production of Henri Estienne and a rare example of the collaboration between Henri Estienne and Wolfgang Hopyl. This editions contains textes on mathematics, on geometry and on astronomy, all destined to the use of students. This is alos the first edition with impoortant commentaries by Clichtove.

“First editions of these mathematical, geometrical, and astronomical treatises to be used as the basis of lectures to university students… This is the first edition with Clichtove’s commentary… Clichtove’s Praxis numerandi, devoted mainly to the theory of numbers, gives an elaborate theory of ratios and figure numbers. The Introductio in geometriam of Charles Bovelles – the first geometrical work published by a Frenchman – includes a discourse on the quadrature of tht circle, the cubation of the sphere, perspective, etc. Lefevre’s Astronomicon a brief introductory textbook on astronomy, contains a prefatory letter to Germain de Ganay, in which Lefevre draws a sharp distinction between the false astronology of seers and ‘horoscope-makers’ and the true science of the heavenly bodies” (Schreiber).

Title page and last leaf rehinged.

Provenance: Jesuit College  (17th century note on the titlepage).