2 volumes 4to (263 x 204 mm) XXI, 362 pp., 3 unn.l, 15 engraved plates (including the portrait as frontispiece) including a folding one for the volume I ; 4 unn.l, 386 pp., 3 unn.l of index, 6 engraved plates (including the frontispiece) inclunding a folding map for the volume II. Contemporary tree calf, large gilt rool framing covers, flat spine with red morocco lettering piece, red edges.
1 in stock
Hill, 969 ; O’Reilly, 735.
First edition of the English translation, published one year after the German original.
The work is packed with ethnographic information, particularly on tattoos and music (2 plates). The end of the second volume is taken up by a vocabulary of the island of Nouka-Hiva.
“Le Dr Langsdorff, 1774-1862, médecin allemand, disciple de Blumenbach, participa comme naturaliste, à bord de la Nadirjeda, de 1803 à 1806, à la circumnavigation de Krusenstern. Son récit, alerte et vivant, complète utilement les relations de Krusenstern et de Lisiansky. Le premier volume est dédié à Alexandre Ier, le second, à Krusenstern. Langsdorff, avec la Nadiejeda, passa & Nuku-Hiva, (îles Marquises), dans la baie de Taiohae, du 6 au 17 mai 1804. Table des positions des différentes îles des Marquises. Mœurs et coutumes des indigènes : anthropologie, tatouages, vêtements, organisation religieuse et sociale, canots, La documentation a été facilitée par la présence dans l’ile des deux déserteurs européens, Roberts et Cabri que Langsdorff prénomma Jean-Baptiste. Au départ vers les îles Sandwich, Cabri se fait emmener par Krusenstern. Vocabulaire de l’ile de Nouka-Hiva, 400 mots recueillis par Langsdorf” (O’Reilly).
“Langsdorff was a German physician with a passion for natural history. Together with Mikolai Petrovich Rezanov, chamberlain of Czar Alexander I and Russian ambassador to Japan, Langsdorff accompanied the round-the-world expedition led by Kruzenshtern until it reached Kamchatka in 1805…Comprehensive accounts are given of Brazil, Japan and Hawaii. The first volume, containing the account of the Kruzenshtern expedition with the Nadeshda and Neva until Langsdorff’s and Rezanov’s separation from it at Kamchatka in 1805, has as half-title “Voyage from Copenhagen to Brazil, the South Sea, Kamschatka, and Japan” (Hill 969).
Some quires toned, traces of stamps removed from titles; spine and corners skilfully restored.
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