4to (246 x 197 mm) XXIV, 83 pp., 1 un.l. (errata), 36 engraved plates, 3 unn.ll. (alphabetical index) paginated [79]-84. Modern calf-backed boards in style, flat spine gilt.
1 in stock
Nissen, BBI, 1129; Pritzel 5024; Stafleu-Cowan, II, 4155.
First edition.
Lamouroux (1779-1825) was an algologist and professor of natural history at the University of Caen. In 1809, he was offered a position at the Faculté des Sciences, where he succeeded Roussel as professor in 1812.
The scientist divides rockweeds into 4 main categories and describes 36 specimens (all illustrated on the engraved plates) whose habitat is mainly in Europe, but also on the island of Mauritius.
A very good copy with the author’s portrait engraved by J.S. Cotman, and the announcement of his death (March 26, 1825) pasted to the verso of the title page.
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