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LA HAYE Les mémoires et recherches de France, et de la Gaule Acquitanique du Sieur Iean de la Haye, Baron des Coutaulx, Lieutenant general en la Seneschausee de Poictou, & siege Presidial de Poictiers…


Paris, Jean Parant, 1581

8vo (159 x 102 mm) 2 nn.ll., 293 pp. (+ 2 nn.ll. printed on the rectos only: cancels for pages 45 and 48), 9 nn.ll. Eightteenth-century marbled calf.


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Jean Baluze’s copy

Cioranesco, 12306 ; Peach & Drecq, 985 ; La Bouralière, Bibliographie poitevine, p. 325.

First edition of this uncommon book on the origins of the people from the Poitou region, with information on kings, princes and dukes together with their genealogy, alliances, coats of arms etc., followed by a history of the church from the year 436 “iusques à ce iourd’huy”. The book is presented as the transcription of a manuscript found in the bags of Jean de La Haye, assassinated during the siege of his manor house La Begaudiere during the wars of religion. It is meant to be an answer to the Annales d’Aquitaine by Jean Bouchet (1524-1557) and supposedly written by Count René de Sausay.

Copy having belonged to Étienne Baluze (1630-1718), librarian to Colbert His signature is to be found at the bottom of the title page “Stephanus Baluzius Tutelensis”. This provenance is quite intriguing as Baluze’s reputation had suffered at some stage from false historic documents. Cardinal Brouillon had submitted a family archive to be checked by Mabillon, Ruinart and Baluze in order to prove an ancient link to the Dukes of Aquitaine back to the 9th century. These document turned later out be fake and damaged Baluze’s image immensely.

Fine copy, binding slightly restored.

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