JOURDAIN Anselme-Louis Traité des dépôts dans le sinus maxillaire, des fractures, et des caries.


Paris, d’Houry, 1760

12mo (165 x 95 mm) XXIV, 358 pp., 6 engraved folding plates. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red edges (corners bumped).


1 in stock

David, P ; 153 ; Poletti, p. 110 ; manque à Weinberger. See Blake, 237 (only edition of 1761).

First edition.

It is divided into two main parts, the first of which contains the Treatises on deposits in the maxillary sinus and the Treatise on caries (pp. 1-128). The second part contains his Reflections and observations on the art of dentistry. The plates show instruments and prostheses.

Anselme Jourdain (1734-1816) was the first general surgeon to specialise in oral surgery. He was one of the first to perform operations on the maxilla and mandibulus.

« Jourdain was particularly expert in diseases of the maxillary sinus and describes all forms inflammation and cystic and tumorous alterations of the sinus“ (see Garrison-Mort, 3676.1, Traité des maladies… 1778).

A good copy.

Provenance : rubber stamp « Collection Jean-L. Angeot » on half-title

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