HÉRODIEN Herodiani Historici graeci libri octo ab Angelo Politiano latinitate donati. Quibus accessit in singulos libros Epitome Iacobi Omphalii.


Paris, Simon de Colines, 1529

8vo (170 x 107 mm) 16 nn.ll., 102 num.ll. Eighteenth-century English calf, gilt filet on covers, spine gilt with raised bands (rubbed).


1 in stock

Renouard, p. 139 ; B. Moreau, 1790 ; see Schreiber, 165 for the second edition.

First edition by Simon de Colines. It contains the Latin translation by Angelus Politianus of the eight books of the history of Herodius, follwoed by the Epitome of  Jakob Omphalius. Title somewhat foxed.

From the library of the Earls of Macclesfield (blind stamp).