HEBERT Jean Le Citoyen dentiste, ou l’art de seconder la nature pour se conserver les dents.


Lyon, Louis Roffet, 1778

12mo (164 x 93 mm) 95 pp. Contemporary marbled sheep, flat spine gilt, marbled edges (some light wear).


1 in stock

David, p.142; Poletti, p.100; Weinberger, p.65;Waller, 106389.

First edition.

Bound with :

[HEBERT, Jean]. Réfutation d’un nouveau traité d’odontalgie. Genève, n.n., 1773. 12mo, X, 59 pp.

David, p. 238; Poletti, p. 162; Blake, p. 374.

This work, published anonymously by Jean Hebert is a critic of the Traité d’odontalgie (1771) by Pierre Auzeby. Here the author advertises and praises the advantages of his formula for a mouthwash.

Good copy.

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