GHERARDI Evaristo Le Théâtre italien, ou Recueil général de toutes les comédies & scènes françoises jouées par les Comédiens Italiens du roi. Édition nouvelle, revue avec beaucoup d’exactitude.


Paris, Chez Briasson, 1741

6 volumes 12vo (160 x 95 mm) one engraved portrait by Edelinck after Vivien, 12 unn.l., 588 pp., 11 engraved plates for the volume I ; engraved frontispiece by Mathey, 2 unn.l., 510 pp., 9 engraved plates, 4 pp. engraved music [originally in volume I] for the volume II ; engraved frontispiece by Mathey, 2 unn.l., 560 pp., 8 engraved plates, 4 pp. engraved music for the volume III ; engraved frontispiece by Mathey after Humblot, 2 unn.l., 557 pp., 9 engraved plates, 16 pp. engraved music for the volume IV ; engraved frontispiece byMathey, 2 unn.l., 518 pp., 9 engraved plates, 16 pp. engraved music for the volume V ; engraved frontispiece byMathey d'après Humblot, 2 unn.l., 647 pp., 9 engraved plates, 32 pp. engraved music, 1 unn.l (privilège) for the volume VI. Polished calf, Rohan-Chabot coat of arms in the corners, spine gilt with raised bands red edges (contemporary binding).


1 in stock

The Rohan-Chabot copy

Cohen-de Ricci, 437 (with erroneous collation of plates; he mentions only a portrait and 57 plates).

New edition, richly illustrated.

It is decorated with 6 frontispieces (including the portrait of the author in the first volume), 55 engraved plates, as well as engraved musical airs in all volumes (except for volume II). The total number of plates is therefore one portrait and 60 plates. Évaristo Gherardi (1663-1701) was an Italian author and playwright who lived in Paris from 1670 and was murdered. The son of two actors in the Italian troupe, he began his acting career in October 1689.

Author of the play Le Retour de la foire de Bezons (included in volume VI), he collected a large number of anonymous plays in his Théâtre italien.

A fine copy, complete with all the plates required (see the King's Library copy digitised on Gallica: Quire 'Bb' and 'Cc' of volume IV interchanged, musical airs of volume I bound by mistake at the end of volume II.

Rohan-Chabot library (arms).