FORBONNAIS François Véron de Recherches et considérations sur les finances de France, depuis 1595 jusqu’en 1721.


Liège, s.n., 1758

6 volumes, 12mo (165 x 96 mm) 2 nn.l., 435 pp. for volume I; 2 nn.l., 407 pp., 4 tables for volume II; 2 nn.l., 324 pp., 9 tables for volume III; 2 nn.l., 431 pp., 11 tables for volume IV; 2 nn.l., 395 pp., 12 tables for volume V; 2 nn.l. , 400 pp., 2 tables for volume VI. Contemporary marbled calf, spine with raised bands.


1 in stock

Goldsmiths, 9391; Kress, 5692. See Einaudi, 1927 and INED, 4441 (for the in-4 edition of the same year).

First edition of the duodecimo format.

The author was Inspecteur Général des Monnaies and a member of the Institut. He presents here an accurate picture from the end of the 16th century until Law’s bankruptcy, of the various taxes created by successive kings and of trade between countries.

Pleasantly bound series, complete with 38 folding tables printed on 37 leaves.