FLAUBERT Gustave Bouvard et Pécuchet. Oeuvre posthume.


Paris, Alphonse Lemerre, 1881

12mo (176 x 111 mm) of 2 unn.l., 400 pp. Green half-chagrin, spine with raised bands, combed edges (contemporary binding).


1 in stock

With an autographed ‘dinner’ note

Clouzot, 122. 

First edition, posthumous.

An exceptional copy with a folded autograph note bound at the head.It contains two aphorisms by Flaubert, each signed : 

“Aphorisme antédinatoire Il y a peu de choses au monde qui étaient aussi / odieuses, inutiles et… le reste – que celle qui consent, à écrire dans un album Voilà G. Flaubert Aphorisme post dinatoire Il y a peu de choses au monde qui soient aussi / intéressantes, charmantes, etc… le reste, – que celle qui consent, après un bon dîner, à écrire dans un album Voilà G. Flaubert (Les aphorismes définitifs de Pécuchet et Bouvard)” 

Bouvard and Pécuchet are lovably ridiculous characters who use empirical and pseudo-scientific methods to achieve encyclopaedic knowledge. The two protagonists cover almost every section of human knowledge at the time, but their lack of knowledge often leads to disaster. Flaubert offers an innovative and comic approach to encyclopaedic knowledge and its methods.

A fine copy.