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DUFOUR Philippe Sylvestre Traitez Nouveaux & curieux du café, du thé et du chocolat. Ouvrage également nécessaire aux Medecins, & à tous ceux qui aiment leur santé.


Lyon, Jean Girin et B. Rivière, 1685

12mo (158 x 85 mm) 12 nn.ll., 445 pp., 2 nn.ll., last blank removed by the binder, 1 engraved plate and 2 engravings in the text. Contemporary sheep, spine gilt with raised bands (some overall wdear).


1 in stock

Vicaire, 293 ; Bitting, 134 ; Mueller (Kaffee), p. 67 ; Maggs, Food & Drink (1937), n° 190 : “extremely scarce” ; Oberlé, Fastes, 733 ; NLM, 3481 ; Livres en bouche (BnF), 130 ; Alden, 685/56 ; see Arents (Add.), n° 492, pp. 462-464.

Rare edition. This entirely new book has only the title in common with the first 1671 edition.

“In the preface the author states that about 12 years previously a Latin  manuscript on coffee had been translated and printed by him, as coffee was becoming the mode. This work was so successful, all copies sold in less than a month, that after much research he wrote a new one to which he added discourses on tea and chocolate, the only thing in common with the Latin translation being the name, all else being original with himself” (Bitting).

The three engravings depict different personalities drinking coffee or chocolate.

From the library of Dr Maurice Villaret (book plate).

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