DESPORTES Philippe Les Premières oevvres… Reveuës, corrigees & augmentees outre les precedentes impressions. [Relié à la suite :] Pseaumes de David mis en vers françois. Par Ph. des Portes… [Relié à la suite :] Prieres et autres Oevvres chrestiennes. Par Philippe des Portes… [Relié à la fin :] Quelques prieres et méditations chrestiennes. Par Ph. D. P.


Rouen, Raphaël du Petit Val, 1594

4 parts in 1 volume, 12mo (139 x 78 mm) 6 unn.ll., 661 pp., 10 nn.ll. for part I ; 167 pp., 4 nn.ll. for part II ; 35 pp. for part III ; 37 num.ll. for part IV. Nineteenth-century Janseniste red morocco by Thibaron-Joly, spine with raised bands, marbled and gilt edges, matching slipcase.


1 in stock

Brunet, II, 647 ; Tchemerzine-Scheler, II, 888e, 893 & 894 ; Jean Paul Barbier, Ma bibliothèque poétique, IVe partie, t. II, pp. 78-84 ; not in Adams.

A precious collection of secular and religious works by Philippe Desportes. This is one of the best editions of this 16th-century poet, “more precious for its variants than for its one unpublished piece”, says Jean Paul Barbier, and one that is rarely found complete with all four parts, each with its own title. These four small volumes were published by Raphaël du Petit Val in Rouen, where Desportes, a former adviser and protégé of Henry III, had taken refuge after joining the League. In 1594, after taking part in the defence of the city against Henry IV’s armies, Desportes offered to mediate in the negotiations that led to the surrender of the last Norman towns loyal to the League. Philippe Desportes (1546-1606) was very famous and widely published during his lifetime – especially during the reign of Henry III – and was often compared to Ronsard. Literary history has put this charming poet back in his rightful place, and we still appreciate “the simplicity and clarity of his style and language, his ease and suavity. Between the Pléiade and Malherbe, Desportes occupies a not inconsiderable place of transition” (see Jacques Brosse).

A very fine copy, in an elegant Jansenist binding by Thibaron-Joly.