DENHAM Dixon Voyages et découvertes dans le nord et dans les parties centrales de l’Afrique, au travers du grand désert, jusqu’au 10e degré de latitude nord, et depuis Kouka, dans le Bornou, jusqu’à Sackatou, capitale de l’empire des Felatah; exécutés dans les années 1822, 1823 et 1824.


Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1826

3 volumes, 8vo (199 x 127 mm) and the atlas, 4to (330 x 250 mm). Texte : 2 nn.ll., 366 pp., 1 nn.l. for volume I; 2 nn.ll., 378 pp., 1 nn.l. for  volume II; 2 nn.ll., 428 pp. for volume III. Atlas : 2 nn.ll., 14 lithographed plates, 5 maps (including 1 folding). Texte in contemporary half-blue calf over marbled boards, spine gilt, atlas bound to match.


1 in stock

Gay, 337.

First edition of the French translation by Eyriès et de Larenaudière.

The English expedition set off from Tripoli, under the protection of the Bey, and explored this little-known part of Africa as far as Lake Chad. The voyage was particularly adventurous, but also scientifically fruitful. At the end of the book is an Essay on the Bornou language, and vocabularies of the Timbouktou, Mandara and Begharni languages, by Klaproth.

A fine, very fresh copy.

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