HERON DE VILLEFOSSE Antoine Marie De la richesse minérale. Considérations sur les mines, usines et salines des différents états, présentés comparativement.


Paris, Treuttel & Würtz, 1819

3 text volumes 4to (245 x 199 mm) and 1 folio atlas (550 x 400 mm) 4 nn.ll., XXIX, 593 pp., 1 nn.l. and 25 tables and maps for volume I; 2 nn.ll., XVI, 553 pp. for volume II; 2 nn.ll., XX and 538 pp. for volume III; title page and 65 plates for the atlas. Text volumes in slightly later blue half-calf, spines gilt, atlas bound in style (spines faded)


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First edition.

Héron de Villefosse was inspector at “Corps royal des Mines de France” and a member of the French Academy of Science. His work gives a panoramic insight to European mines and mining techniques at the beginning of the 19th century. His purpose was to give up-to-date information on mines by giving authentic examples from existing mines. Spines faded, hinge to vol. I restored, some occasional foxing, atlas with clear stain at beginning and end of atlas.

From the library of ‘Ecole supérieure de commerce et d’industrie’ (gilt spines).