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MICHELI Pier Antonio Catalogus plantarum Horti Caesarei Florentini opus postumum… editum, continuatum, et ipsius horti historia locupletatum ab Io. Targonio Tozzettio…


Florence, Bernardo Paperini, 1748

4to (287 x 208 mm) LXXXVIII, 185 pp., 7 plates and 1 folding map. Brown sheep, spine gilt with raised bands, red speckled edges (contemporary binding).


1 in stock

Pritzel, 6203 ; Cat. des prélinnéens, 543.

First edition.

A beautiful, finely illustrated botanical book containing a description of the Florence plant garden, founded in 1545, and a catalogue of the species it housed (Tournefort classification). The Italian botanist and mycologist Pier Antonio Micheli (1679-1737) revived the Orto botanico of Florence, which he directed between 1718 and 1737. His book, left in manuscript, was published by another illustrious Tuscan naturalist, Giovanni Targioni Tozzetti (1712-1783).

The copper-engraved suite consists of a fold-out plan of the garden and 7 botanical plates. A fine armorial letterpress mark, 2 bands showing views of the garden and 4 beautifully historiated initials complete this precise and harmonious illustration, typical of the Tuscan ornamental style. The folding plan and a headband bear the names of the designer and engraver: Antonio Falleri and Marcantonio Corsi.

A fine copy, with wide margins and a skilfully rebound spine.

Note in ink on the first endpaper: “Ex munificentia Societatis Molini Paoli 18”.

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