BIBLIA Novum Testamentum. [Graece]. Ex Bibliotheca Regia.


Paris, Robert Estienne, 1568

2 volumes 16mo (114 x 67 mm) 16 unn.ll., 494 pp., 1 un.l. (blank) for volume I; 342 pp., 21 unn.ll. (including first blank) for volume II. Eighteenth-century French red morocco, covers richly gilt, flat spine gilt, gilt inner dentelle, gilt edges.


1 in stock

Bound in 18th century red morocco

Schreiber, 239; Darlow-Moule, 4633; Renouard, Estienne, 171:1; Adams, B-1670.

New edition, based on the ‘O mirificam‘ edition in Greek of 1546 et 1549. Here both volumes are dated 1568 on both titles – copies are known where the first volume is dated 1569.

“A reissue of Robert Estienne’s two ‘O mirificam‘ Greek Testaments of 1546 and 1549, with the addition of the critical notes from the 1550 folio. This edition is interesting from a typographical point: it is printed in a slightly reduced version of the smallest font of the Royal Greek types, and it contains, besides the text, a table of chapters printed in exceedingly minute Greek type, practically a reproduction of the small text type, but on a much smaller scale. Some copies have the sate 1568 on the title of the first part while others have 1569, the title of the second part is dated 1568″ (Schreiber).

Beautiful copy, richly bound in 18th century gilt red morocco.