BEMBO Pietro Gli Asolini


Venise, héritiers d’Aldus Manutius, 1515

Small 8vo (148 x 94 mm) 129 num.l., 1 nn.l. with the printer’s device. Eighteenth-century French janseniste green morocco, flat spine with gilt title, gilt inner border, gilt edges.


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The Crozat copy bound in green morocco

Renouard, Alde, 72:5 ; Ahmanson-Murphy, 134 ; Adams, B-575.

Second Aldine edition, published with the preface to Lucretia Borgia, which was suppressed from most of the copies of first 1505 edition as stated by Renouard : “supprimée dans la plupart des exemplaires de la première [de 1505]”. This was one of trhe great editolrial successes if which Bembo edited two more editions, one in 1530, and the last in 1540.

Fine edition, neatly printed by Aldus Manutius’ successor, Andrea Asolano.


This copy has belonged to the celebrated colelction assembled by Joseph-Antoine Crozat (1696-1751, collection sale in 1751, lot 1860) and bears the collector’s signature at the bottom of the title page. Fine copy, rubricated. Other provenance : unidentified book plate ( monogramme ‘APL’).