BAUDELAIRE Charles Théophile Gautier, notice littéraire précédée d’une lettre de Victor Hugo.


Paris, Poulet-Malassis et de Broise, 1859

12mo (180 x 119 mm), with 1 blank l. pasted on first cover, 3 nn.l. (half title, frontispiece, title), III pp. (letter from Victor Hugo to Charles Baudelaire), 68 pp. 1 blank l. pasted on second cover. Original green printed cover.


1 in stock

Oberlé, 226; Vicaire, I, p.345.

First edition, only 500 copies on blue wove paper (‘vélin bleuté’).

The frontispiece features Théophile Gautier in a medallion surrounded by arabesque decoration. It is etched by Émile Thérond and inspired by a photographic portrait by Nadar.

The text is framed throughout by a black fillet.

This literary notice by Baudelaire first appeared in the review L’Artiste in January 1859 (p.161-170) and was accompanied by a portrait of Gautier by Bracquemond. The text was then part of the ‘galerie du XIXe siècle’ collection, which appeared regularly in the magazine, and the letter from Victor Hugo did not appear. In this first version of the text, Baudelaire compliments “l’excellente gravure qui accompagne”

the text (p.163). This was Bracquemond’s work. Poulet-Malassis did not wish to alter Baudelaire’s text when it appeared in book form, so Émile Thérond found himself the recipient of a compliment not originally addressed to him.

The transcription of Hugo’s letter at the beginning of the book is in fact a response to the article in L’Artiste. On 6 October 1859, Hugo wrote a laudatory letter from Hauteville House, a few words of which have remained famous: “Vous dotez le ciel de l’art d’on ne sait quel rayon macabre. Vous créez un frisson nouveau.”

A fine copy, with spine preserved.

Front cover slightly torn at the bottom, without damage to the text.